Can You Burn Pine In A Fireplace
Camila Farah
Many believe it and even supposed professionals perpetuate the statement or fail to explain the reason.
The reason why a lot of people thing creosote buildup from pine is dangerous is that as a softwood pine burns quicker and creates creosote faster. Some believe that burning pine in fireplaces is safe as long as you routinely maintain your fireplace and watch your fire. Dense hardwoods produce creosote as well however they just burn slower and so the creosote buildup from them is less noticeable. Indeed it is true that a pine fire burns very hot and so it might heat a home quicker.
In other words you can absolutely burn pine in your wood stove or fireplace. Pine firewood can be fine for use in wood stoves at any stage of a fire but is more popular for use as kindling when building and starting fires because of its hot and fast burning properties. Don t burn pine in your fireplace or wood stove. Perhaps you ve been told the same thing.
Some say that the extra pine sap is like extra fuel for the fire.
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