Can You Drink The Water In Mexico
Olivia Luz
As water based illness is a real concern in mexico you are apt to find bottled water wherever you find yourself resorts restaurants cafes grocery stores resort mini shops you name it.
Generally the water is purified at the source but the distribution system may allow the water to be contaminated en route to the tap. There is news about ex pats in mexico who sipped tap water and been sick. You can boil water anywhere in the world and drink it. They buy water in five gallon jugs called garrafones which are delivered to their homes and recycled.
As a rule you should not drink tap water in mexico. Whether the water is fit for healthy consumption or not depends more about where precisely the tap is situated. Avoid ordinary tap water. While water treatment filtration and purification have greatly improved in mexico it s still not a good idea to drink ordinary tap water during your visit.
Public water is about 120 pesos or 6 70 usd a month in playa del carmen this includes the delivery in the pipes to your home and the water leaving your home and then cleaned. Moreover they have never had a problem. They make ice from tap water and they drink it by the glassful. There is always bottled water which is usually more convenient than finding a facility to do the boiling.
Most people in mexico city always drink tap water. Sanitation standards there are still different from what you are normally used to and that s why traveler s tummy strikes. Most mexicans find the idea of drinking tap water somewhat repulsive.Source :