Can You Mix Formula And Breastmilk Together
Camila Farah
While breastmilk may be refrigerated for a short time formula needs to be discarded after the feed to avoid the growth of bacteria.
Feeding pumped breast milk and formula is one way to allow the mother to get some extra sleep this way the other parent can take a turn feeding the baby in the night giving the mother a chance to rest. Supplementing with formula ensures that your baby gets the nutrition they need while. Keep them separate mix them together nurse pump and find. Babies can thrive on breast milk formula or a combination of both.
Breast milk is the best food for babies up to six months and beyond. Breast milk and formula don t have to be mutually exclusive. Mothers may consider feeding formula and breast milk together but may wonder if it is okay to mix formula and breast milk. The breastfeeding recommendations are to breastfeed if you can for at least one year before weaning or mixing breast milk and formula.
If you are decreasing your breastfeeding times and want to start mixing breast milk and formula it should be done gradually this will ensure that your body has the chance to adapt and will give your baby s tummy a chance to adapt.
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